热情欢乐电子歌曲 流行时尚


热情欢乐电子歌曲 流行时尚

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时长: 01:33

语种: 英语

流派: Pop

作词人: Electronic Banana

作曲人: Electronic Banana

演唱者: Electronic Banana

出版方: 猴子音悦

I walk into the club, the energy\'s high
The bass is thumping, I can feel it inside
The lights are flashing, the room is alive
We\'re moving to the beat, we\'re gonna thrive

[Verse 2]
The DJ\'s spinning, the rhythm is tight
We\'re lost in the music, it feels so right
The crowd is jumping, we\'re dancing all night
No worries or cares, just pure delight

House music, it\'s taking control
We\'re grooving to the beats, it\'s good for my soul
We move as one, in perfect harmony
House music, setting our spirits free
猴子音悦提供有版权保障的热情欢乐电子歌曲 流行时尚背景音乐素材下载。这是一首欢乐、活力、时尚、动感情绪,适合活动宣传、产品宣传、电商广告、舞蹈、游乐园、展览、流行歌曲场景的配乐,主要由打击乐、人声、合成器、电子鼓演奏,编号是1298352,格式是mp3,BPM是128,该流行、电子、House背景音乐素材时长是01:33,是由【猴子音悦】音乐人在2024-03-29 17:41:04制作完成并上传,会员可免费下载。